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Trump announces to crowd he 'just took off the last bandage' at faith event after assassination attempt

Former President Trump announced to a crowd Friday night he "just took off the last bandage" from his ear after an attempted assassination nearly two weeks ago.

The Believer's Summit, hosted by Turning Point Action in West Palm Beach, focused on reaching voters of faith. Dr. Ben Carson, former HUD Secretary, preceded the former president.

"And we want to thank each and every one of the believers in this room for your prayers and your incredible support. I really did appreciate it," Trump said.


"Something was working. That we know. Something was working. So, I thank you very much. And I stand before you tonight, thanks to the power of prayer and the grace of Almighty God," he added.

"As I think you can see, I've recovered well. And, in fact, I just took off the last bandage off of my ear."

The crowd roared with applause as the former president gestured to his injured ear.

"I just got it off," he clarified. "I took it off for this group. I don't know why I did that for this group, but that's it. I think that's it."

Trump's speech included attacks against his presumptive Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, calling the vice president "a bum."

"Three weeks ago, she was a bum, a failed vice president and a failed administration with millions of people crossing. And she was the border czar. Now they're trying to say she never was," the former president said.


"If radical liberal Kamala Harris gets in and, by the way, there are numerous ways of saying her name, they were explaining to me. … I said, don't worry about it.

"Doesn't matter what I say. I couldn't care less if I mispronounce it or not. I couldn't care less."

Dr. Ronny Jackson, the former White House doctor, released a letter earlier Friday offering an update on Trump's health after the assassination attempt July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania.

"I want to reassure the American people and the rest of the world that President Trump is doing extremely well," Jackson said.

"He is rapidly recovering from the gunshot wound to his right ear. I will continue to be available to assist President Trump and his personal physician in any way they see fit and will provide updates as necessary and with the permission of President Trump."

"What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle," the FBI confirmed Friday to Fox News Digital.


Trump and running mate JD Vance, the Ohio senator, are scheduled to appear for a campaign rally in St. Cloud, Minnesota, Saturday.

2024/07/26 21:44

Harris campaign claims she no longer supports fracking ban she touted in 2019: report

Vice President Kamala Harris no longer supports a fracking ban, in a change in her stance during the last presidential election, her campaign said on Friday, according to a report. 

Before she dropped her bid for president in 2019 and joined President Biden’s ticket, she said in a CNN town hall "there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking."

"And starting with what we can do on day one around public lands, right?" she continued. "And then there has to be legislation, but, yes, that’s something I’ve taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue and to your point we have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the health and safety of communities."

Harris also cosponsored the Green New Deal as a senator in 2019, a proposal to stem climate change that includes a ban on fracking. 


"Climate change is real, and it poses an existential threat to us as human beings, and it is within our power to do something about it," Harris said on the campaign trail that year before exiting the race, according to The New York Times. "I am supporting the Green New Deal."

However, Biden’s campaign and his administration have not backed banning fracking despite Biden once saying during a primary debate "We would make sure it’s eliminated." His campaign later clarified that he "supports eliminating subsidies for coal and gas and deploying carbon capture."   

Since Biden announced he is dropping out of the race and endorsed Harris last Sunday, she has moderated some of her positions from her 2019 run, in which she embraced more progressive policies. 

Trump was quick to paint her as a "radical liberal" since she became the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Harris is the "most incompetent and far-left vice president in American history," the former president told a rally crowd in Charlotte on Wednesday. 

Trump charged that Harris "has been the ultra-liberal driving force behind every single Biden catastrophe. She is a radical left lunatic who will destroy our country if she ever gets the chance to get into office." 


He added, "She wants no fracking. You’re going to be paying a lot of money. You’re going to be paying so much. You’re going to say ‘bring back Trump.’"

Telling The Hill that Harris no longer wants to ban fracking, her campaign pushed back on Trump’s rhetoric. 

"Trump’s false claims about fracking bans are an obvious attempt to distract from his own plans to enrich oil and gas executives at the expense of the middle class," the campaign told The Hill. "The Biden-Harris Administration passed the largest ever climate change legislation and under their leadership, America now has the highest ever domestic energy production," the spokesperson said in an email. "This Administration created 300,000 energy jobs, while Trump lost nearly a million and his Project 2025 would undo the enormous progress we’ve made the past four years."

In a statement to Fox News Digital, National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Mike Marinella, said, "Kamala Harris is the most far-left progressive presidential nominee in history, and extreme Democrats in the Rust Belt now own every single policy she supports."

He added, "A fracking ban would be disastrous for workers and families, and extreme Democrats’ mission to force Biden to step aside and replace him with San Francisco radical Kamala Harris shows exactly how out of touch they are with their voters." 


Fox News Digital has reached out to Harris’ campaign for comment. 

Fox News' Paul Steinhauser and Andrew Mark Miller contributed to this report. 

2024/07/26 20:56

Top Democratic super PAC launches massive $50M ad spend for Harris leading up to DNC

A top Democratic super PAC has launched a massive ad buy across several battleground states to boost Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential candidacy leading up to the Democratic Party’s convention in Chicago next month.

Future Forward, the largest Democratic-leaning super PAC, announced this week it will spend $50 million supporting Harris in six states in the next three weeks ahead of the convention in Chicago, The Washington Post reported. 

Additionally, the outlet reported that the second-largest independent supporter of Democrats, American Bridge 21st Century, will start placing ads Friday in the key swing state of Michigan.

On top of that, Women Vote, part of the Emily’s List network, announced Thursday it was spending $2 million to target younger women in four battleground states. 


"We’re ready to hit the ground running to make sure voters know that Kamala Harris will be a president that fights for them," Future Forward President Chauncey McLean told The Washington Post Thursday. 

"She is focused on improving the lives of all Americans, while Donald Trump is only focused on himself."


David Axelrod, a former top adviser to former President Obama, called the move a "big development."

"Pro-Harris SuperPAC to launch major buy in the battleground states, with an initial spot to highlight her battles as a DA, attorney general and VP," Axelrod posted on X.


"Essential air cover, especially as the Trump forces spend to define her negatively."

One of the ads will describe Harris as "the district attorney who protected children from sexual predators" and "the attorney general who stood up to the big banks to protect homeowners and won."

The Washington Post reported that MAGA Inc. is also planning to spend $32 million going after Harris before Labor Day, which will bring its total spending during that period to $72 million. 

Fox News Digital reached out to the Trump campaign for comment but did not immediately receive a response.

A new survey compiled after Biden dropped out of the race reveals Trump and Harris are tied in the crucial swing state of Michigan despite the former president's previous lead by nearly double digits.

National polls have sent mixed signals, with some showing a tie and some showing a slight lead for either candidate. 

The New York Times/Siena College released a new survey this week that found Trump leads Harris by only one percentage point among likely voters, 48% to 47%. Among registered voters, Trump led Harris by two percentage points. 

Fox News Digital's Aubrie Spady contributed to this report

2024/07/26 18:54

Park Police union says officers ‘did everything they could’ during DC anti-Israel riot

Following the protests at Union Station by anti-Israel agitators defacing federal property in protest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress, a Park Police union is pushing back against criticism that only a few arrests were made.

Thousands of Hamas-sympathizing agitators descended on Washington, D.C., Tuesday, at one point defacing federal monuments with phrases in support of the terrorist group responsible for the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, saying, "Hamas is coming." 

Twenty-three people were arrested at the protests, but some have suggested that number should have been higher. 

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., posted on X, "How many more times are they going to allow leftist degenerates who support terrorism and hate America to vandalize property and attack police? There should have been hundreds of arrests today in D.C. not just 23."


But the U.S. Park Police Labor Committee is pushing back.

"Our officers on the ground did everything they could to protect life and property. In fact, despite having only 29 officers available to mitigate damage — 29! — with no additional help from the Department of the Interior, we processed several arrests for charges ranging from assault on a police officer to destruction of government property," Kenneth Spencer, chairman of the United States Park Police Fraternal Order of Police, said in a statement. 

"That's why it's so disheartening to hear some members of Congress and members of the media, many of whom describe themselves as ‘champions’ of law enforcement, suggesting that officers gave protesters a ‘pass’ or that insufficient arrests were made. 

"Nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone who truly cares to understand the problem would see that our officer staffing crisis is at the root of our agency's mission readiness. A small unit of 29 officers arrested 10 individuals while being assaulted by a mob of thousands. We simply did not have the staffing or resources to accomplish a mass arrest operation."


At least one demonstrator, whose face was covered, was spotted by Fox News carrying what appeared to be the flag of the terrorist group Hamas while others were heard shouting "Allahu Akbar."


The White House condemned the protests Wednesday evening, calling the chaos "disgraceful." 

"Identifying with evil terrorist organizations like Hamas, burning the American flag or forcibly removing the American flag and replacing it with another is disgraceful," White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a comment to Fox News Digital Wednesday evening. 

2024/07/26 18:27

Ramaswamy warns GOP on several 'hard realities' to address before criticizing Harris: 'Hurting our chances'

Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy issued a warning to Republicans this week that they need to be aware of some "hard realities" around the way they message their criticisms of Vice President Kamala Harris now that she is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

"The bottom line is, I think what's happened is a lot of Republicans were caught by surprise after the convention," Ramaswamy told Fox News Digital on Friday. "That's resulted in some reactive steps that I don't think all make sense. And I think they're actually hurting us."

Ramaswamy spoke to Fox News Digital about a viral comment he posted Thursday on X that was seen by over 3 million people that addressed issues and concerns he has seen with the way Republicans are talking about the matchup between Harris and former President Trump.

Ramswamy’s first point and concern is that Republicans are calling for Biden to step down or be removed from office, using the argument that if he is not capable of running for president, he isn’t capable of serving as president.


"I think this makes absolutely zero sense and here's why," Ramaswamy explained. "Kamala Harris is unproven as a political leader, let alone as the U.S. president. Why put her in a position as the U.S. president with all the benefits of incumbency? Oval Office addresses, God forbid, to even change policy or foreign policy, to be able to create circumstances that make her look better. That's one of the advantages that many incumbent presidents, the sad truth is, have used throughout American history."

Ramaswamy said calling on Biden to step down is "another example" of Republicans being "reactive," which ends up "hurting our chances rather than helping us."

"It's not going to be good for America and it's not going to be good for Republican electoral prospects if Kamala Harris is the President of the United States of America for even a short period of time, for even a minute," Ramaswamy said. "I don't think that's something we should want, and it doesn't make sense and that's why I called it out."

Many Republicans have focused on Harris’ record as a prosecutor, which Ramaswamy warned could backfire if they focus too much on attacks that she "locked up" too many people for petty crimes.


"So look, this is the other category of criticisms I see coming, even from some conservatives, saying that she locked up too many people while she was a prosecutor," he said. "This is the wrong line of attack. It doesn't make sense."

Ramaswamy continued, "In fact, one of the images that Kamala Harris is trying to project is that she's somehow going to be a law-and-order presidential candidate. I find that laughable. Look at under the Democratic regime, including policies that she has supported, clear the jails, defund the police. That's resulted in a wave of rampant crime in this country. People in the United States of America, across the aisle and both camps, are dead set against this wave of crime. But if against that backdrop, Republicans are criticizing her for locking too many people up, it doesn't make sense because it legitimizes the otherwise laughable claim that she's a law-and-order candidate."

Republicans have also accused Harris of covering up Biden’s health issues while at the same time accusing the vice president of orchestrating a soft "coup" to remove him from the ticket. Ramswamy told Fox News Digital those two messages don’t mesh.

"The main point is what voters really care about is the future," he said. "What are we actually going to deliver? And the more we focus on bickering on that past political missteps or whatever from the Democratic side, the more small-minded we're going to be seen as being.

"On one hand, you have Republicans saying that Kamala Harris covered up for Joe Biden. She was covering for him and telling the public that he was actually a great president, when in fact he wasn't cognitively capable. On the other hand, at the same time, we're saying that Kamala staged this coup against Biden. It doesn't make sense to many independent voters to say both of those things at the same time. They're self-contradictory. And if we say things that don't make sense, we're more likely to lose votes, which is the thing that I care most about. So I come back to the basic point. That's not how we're going to win this election. We're not going to win this election by picking at these nit-picking… ‘inside baseball’ political criticisms of Kamala. It doesn't matter. The voters don't care."


Ramaswamy told Fox News Digital that Harris is not the "biggest risk" the Republican side faces, but rather the "shenanigans on the Democratic side."

"The voters don't love Kamala Harris on her own terms," Ramaswamy said. "We know that because even when she was running in the Democratic primary, she didn't even make it to the Iowa caucus. I was an unknown 37-year-old businessman, ran for office for the first time as U.S. president last year. I have more delegates that have supported me for U.S. president than Kamala Harris ever has had. That's because voters don't find her compelling. So it's not that Kamala Harris is our biggest risk."

When asked if some Republicans are underestimating Harris’ ability to win, Ramswamy said that "complacency" is always a concern.

"You got to compete like you're behind, or else you soon will be," he said. "We're not up against a candidate. It's not Kamala. It's not Joe. It's not any other individual candidate. We are up against a machine and the more we understand that, we have formidable opponents. Let's take stock of some sobering realities. Republicans have lost devastating defeats relative to expectations in 2018, 2020, 2022.

"I don't want to see the same thing happen in 2024. So, you know what? ‘Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me.’ The old adage means something for a reason. I think our movement needs to wake up and say that winning by a little bit shouldn't even be our goal. We've got to win by a landslide, and a landslide minus some shenanigans in margin is still going to be a victory. That's the attitude we need."

Ramaswamy explained his belief that Democrats were waiting until after the Republican National Convention to have "full information," and that it is understandable Republicans were caught "flat-footed," but ultimately they will be victorious in November if they stay focused. 

"It doesn't matter because Kamala Harris—we can easily defeat Kamala Harris in the same landslide we were going to defeat Joe Biden on," he said. "But it's not going to be by nit-picking on random political criticisms of her. I think those could backfire. I think the way we're going to do it is by articulating our own vision of who we are and what we stand for. And if so, we win this thing not only in a landslide, but we unite this country and revive our country, which is something we're hungry for."

2024/07/26 18:21

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He is particularly bad for Israel and the Jewish people.

The following is a brief synopsis of the main reasons for which Jewish Americans should strongly consider not voting for Barrack Obama:

1) Mr. Obama has repeatedly lied to and manipulated the Jewish community, telling it what it wants to hear when the cameras are on, and then retracting or "evolving" his position when the cameras are off. No more egregious an example of this exists than that of the speech Obama gave to the annual AIPAC convention several weeks ago. In that speech, Obama ostensibly moved to the right of Condoleezza Rice, insisting that "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided." Those comments clearly moved even the most skeptical of Jewish AIPAC conference attendees, and on that basis many had decided to vote for him. Then of course the truth came out the next day when anonymous sources in the Obama campaign informed Agence France Presse that by "undivided" Obama meant that Jerusalem was "not going to be divided by barbed wire." Essentially, Obama's position is that which many in the Zionist community have always feared – that he is still sympathetic towards the Palestinian Arabs and believes the Palestinian Authority has the right to make parts of Jerusalem its capital. Obama was caught telling a crowd of Iowan activists last March, "Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian People."

Obama has successfully insulted the intelligence of American Jewry by wooing them with ingratiating phrases and one liners such as how he has been in the "foxholes" in Chicago with Jewish friends with whom he worked closely to heal the rifts between local Jewish-American and African-American communities. He also claims that "nobody has spoken out more fiercely against anti-Semitism than I have," yet not once did he avail himself to speak out against the rampant anti-Semitism in his church, let alone condemn specific anti-Semitic and anti-Israel remarks on the parts of Reverend Wright, Reverend Meeks, or father Pfleger all of whom have abused the pulpit of the Trinity United Church of Chicago to foment hatred of Jews, as described in '6' below.

2) Whatever short legislative record Mr. Obama has is that of an extreme leftist -- one that does not bode well for the State of Israel. Obama sponsored 129 bills since his arrival in the Senate, but only 9 of them came out of committee and only one of them became law – an testament to how out of touch he is with mainstream law and politics. Obama was one of the few senators not to support the Kyl-Lieberman resolution which designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. Obama also opposed the overthrowing of Saddaam Hussein when Obama was an insignificant Illinois State Senator and Hussein was still a vociferous and stark threat to the State of Israel and actively financing Hamas suicide terror attacks against Israeli civilian targets.

Obama made headlines in the primary campaign against Hillary Clinton when he stated his desire to meet with Iranian dictator and vicious anti-Semite Mahmud Ahmajinadad, without any preconditions first met regarding either Ahmajinadad's desire to exterminate the Jews or Iran's dedicated movement toward acquiring a nuclear weapon. Obama has also recently dismissed the threat posed by Iran, considering Iran to be a "tiny" nation that should elicit less concern than that felt by Israel and the majority of Jews. His exact quote, speaking in Pendleton, Oregon, is as follows: "Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries are tiny compared to the Soviet Union... In Iran, they spend 1/100th of what we spend on the military. If Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us, they wouldn't stand a chance." Unfortunately Obama doesn't seem to realize that it doesn't take 2,000 nuclear weapons to destroy Israel; it only takes 2!

Experts agree that Jews should be forewarned about voting for Obama. Mid-East exert Barry Rubin, director of the Global Research in International Affairs Center in Herzeliya, Israel, describes Obama as "not the candidate of the Arab states, but the candidate of the Islamists, whether he knows it or not. . . . If elected, he will be the most anti-Israel president in American history." Obama was even caught saying that he might have difficulty dealing with an Israeli government headed by Likud, which is particularly ominous as it appears Israelis are about to elect a Likud government. What is surprising is that Obama has expressed more concern about dealing with Likudniks in Israel than he has in dealing with Mullahs in Iran. You can't make this stuff up, folks!

3) Obama is surrounded by advisors who have historically been very critical of Israel and the Jewish community. The first such advisor is Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security advisor to anti-Semitic President Jimmy Carter. Brzezinski, who has stood by Obama's side in public on several occasions, has accused "some people in the Jewish community" as being "McCarthy-ite." Brzezinski has also intimated that Israel may be guilty of war crimes for its defense of itself in the Lebanon War of 2006.

The second such advisor is retired general, Tony McPeak, who has been tapped recently as Obama's military advisor and national campaign co-chair. In a 2003 interview, McPeak blamed much of the troubles in the Middle East on those who "vote here in favor of Israel [in] New York City [and] Miami," whom no "politician wants to run against."

A third such advisor is former Michigan Congressman David Bonior, who represented the Obama campaign at The DNC Rules Committee meeting in Washington D.C. this past May. While in Congress, Bonior was known to be "the biggest supporter of the anti-Israel Arab lobby in Congress." In 1990, Bonior was one of only 34 Congressmen to vote against recognizing Jerusalem as the unified capital of Israel. In 1997, Bonior was one of only 15 Congressmen who signed a letter asking President Clinton to pressure Israel into making even further concessions to the Palestinian Authority, despite the PA's constant abrogation of its commitments under the Oslo Accords. In 2002, Bonior was one of only 21 Congressmen who opposed H.R. 392, which buttressed Israel's right to self defense and called upon the PA to dismantle the Hamas terrorist infrastructure. Throughout his tenure in Washington, Bonior repeatedly voted against aid to Israel while continually supporting arms sales to Arab states.

A fourth top Obama advisor is Robert Malley, a long-time fierce critic of Israel who attempted to rewrite history by claming that the 1999 Camp David Accords fell apart because of actions on the part of the Israeli delegation (and not because of Yasser Arafat's intransigence, which we know to be the case). Malley has also called for greater legitimization of and accommodations for terrorist organizations such Hamas and Hezbollah, not to mention rouge Muslim states such as Syria and Iran.

A fifth such advisor is Samantha Power, who had to formally resign from the Obama campaign after calling Hillary Clinton a "monster," but is known to play a strong unofficial role in the Obama campaign till this day. Power has called for the suspension of aid to Israel and its redirection to "Palestine." Power has stated that criticism of Obama is solely on the grounds of what is "good for the Jews." She also advocated using U.S. troops to invade Israel and force a peace agreement with the Palestinian Authority.

A sixth such advisor is Senator Chuck Hagel, one of the few Republicans to consistently express anti-Israel views. Obama has chosen Hagel as one of his chief foreign policy advisors. In reference to Hagel and co-advisor Senator Jack Heed (D-RI), Obama said the following: "They're both experts on foreign policy; they reflect I think traditional bipartisan wisdom when it comes to foreign policy. Neither of them are ideologues but they try to get the facts right and make a determination about what's best for U.S. interests, and they're good guys." Let us examine what foreign policy expert Chuck Hagel has done on foreign policy issues most concerning to most Americans:

In August of 2006, Hagel was one of only 12 Senators to refuse to call upon the European Union to declare Hizbullah a terrorist organization. He was even criticized by Democratic organizations for his stance. In December of 2005, Hagel was one of only 27 Senators to refuse to sign a letter to President Bush urging him to pressure the Palestinian Authority to ban Hamas and other terrorist organization from participating in parliament. In June of 2004, Hagel refuse to sign a letter urging President Bush to raise the issue of Iran's nuclear ambitions at an upcoming G-8 summit. Last but not least, in October of 2000, Hagel was one of only 4 Senators to refuse to sign a Senate letter in support of Israel.

Finally there is Obama's nuclear proliferation advisor, Joseph Cirincione, who has called upon Israel to completely relinquish its nuclear arsenal, while dismissing claims that Syria has been recently building up its nuclear enrichment capacity.

It is true that Obama has some high-profile Jewish advisors and supporters, but these, such as Congressman Robert Wexler of Florida, are largely pro-Oslo Jews who have come to expect and support constant concessions from Israel even in the face of mounting Arab terrorism.

4) Obama and McCain speak of Israel and the Israeli-Arab conflict in starkly different terms.

Obama, in his own words, views the Arab-Israeli conflict as an "open wound" and "open sore" that has a deleterious effect on "all of our foreign policy," according to Jeffery Goldberg of The Atlantic Monthly who conducted twin interviews with McCain and Obama. This characterization underscores Obama's belief that that there is some sort of parity between Israel and the Arabs and if only we can get both sides together, we can close this open sore; and furthermore, that all the other problems in the middle east stem directly or indirectly from this "open sore." McCain on the other hand understands the ultimate threat of Islamo-facism and views both Israel and America as targets and victims of the constant assault perpetrated by Islamo-fascists. Says McCain: "I don't think the conflict is a sore. I think it is a national security challenge." Asked what would happen if the Israeli-Arab conflict were resolved, McCain responds, "We would still face the enormous threat of radical Islamic extremism." When asked about Israel building new homes for Jews in the West Bank, Obama responded by stating that given the prospect of such continual construction, "we're going to be stuck in the same status quo that we've been stuck in for decades now." McCain, on the other hand, switched the topic of conversation by focusing attention of the plight of Israel's citizens in Sderot who brave every day the constant barrage of Hamas's Kassam and Kytusha rockets from Gaza.

5) Both Barrack and Michelle Obama have a long history of associations with radical leftists and Arabists, neither of whom, it should go without saying, bode well for the Jewish people:

Barrack Obama's first political mentor in Hawaii was a relatively well-known black writer and poet named Frank Marshall Davis who was an activist in the Soviet-controlled Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Obama continued his communist training and indoctrination at his first college, Occidental. According to Obama's book, Dreams From My Father, Obama spent much of his free college time with "Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk rock performance poets," with whom he "discussed neocolonialism." Before leaving to college, "Frank" warned the young Barrack, ". . don't start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that shit."

Barrack Obama's leftism continued in full force, albeit subtly, on the streets of Chicago. Obama is known to have been friends with left-wing fanatic and Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers, who is responsible for dozens of bombings between 1969 and 1975, and who also served on two different boards with Obama. Ayers told the New York Times, "I don't regret setting bombs . . .I feel we didn't do enough." When George Stephanopoulos challenged Obama in an interview to explain his relationship with Ayers, Obama dismissed the relationship as "a guy who lives in my neighborhood." Nothing could be further from the truth! Obama's political career began with him raising funds in Ayers living room. Ayers and Obama worked together in the context of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge through which Ayers hoped to include left-wing indoctrination in the city's public school system. Later on in is career as an "organizer", Obama worked closely with Ayers at the Woods Fund which conveniently gave a $6,000 grant to Obama's radical Trinity United Church. Ironically, Ayers, the American terrorist, has accused Israel of terrorism after Israel retaliated for vicious Arab attacks against its own civilians.

Obama's initial financial base was none other than left-wing fanatic hedge fund guru George Soros, who is well known for being a strong critic of Israel and who has explored creating an anti-Israel lobby to countervail the activities of AIPAC. Soros has stated that America needs to go through a "certain de-Nazification process" so that it can extricate itself from Iraq. Soros has also had close relations with the anti-Israel advisors to Obama's campaign noted above.

Obama is known to have been particularly close with ex-PLO member and now Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi. Obama and Khalidi were fellow board members of a foundation that funded the Arab American Action Network, a fiercely pro-Palestinian organization. Obama has admitted that Khalidi has changed Obama's views and attitudes about the world. Obama is considered in Chicago to be a close friend of the Palestinian Arabs. Not a surprise, given the facts.

6) The Obamas have regularly attended a racist and anti-Semitic church for about twenty years and have raised their daughters in same atmosphere.

The Obamas had been proud and regularly attending members of the radical Trinity United Church of Chicago for twenty years.The Trinity United Church of Chicago is a proud member-church of the Black Liberation Theology movement. Much like the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy nor Roman nor an Empire, Black Liberation Theology is neither a theology, nor about Liberation, nor strictly about black people. Black Liberation Theology is a subset of the global Liberation theology movement which was founded in Latin America and spawned vicious socialist dictators and rebels such as Che' Guevara. Black Liberation Theology is and predicated on the notion of saving dark-skinned people through the gradual extermination of light-skinned people and their beliefs. The father of the Black Liberation Theology movement is James H. Cone and the bible of the Black Liberation Theology Movement is Cone's Black Theology and Black Power. The following is a quote from same book: "Black Theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the Black community. If God is not for us, and against white people, then he is a murderer and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community. . . . Black Theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy."

This is the theological backdrop for Barrack Obama' s political activism. This is the church where the bombastic and racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright had served as pastor for the span of that time. Obama has described Wright as his "moral compass," "sounding board," "confidant," and "mentor." Wright married the Obamas and baptized their children. Only after 20 years, strong political pressure, and Wright disavowing Obama, did Obama finally disavow Wright. But Obama never thought to disavow Wright after any of the numerous racist and anti-Israel remarks made by Wright both at and away from the pulpit over the course of 20 years!

Wright is an anti-Israel activist who has given sermons at Trinity United calling for the US to cease and desist from all aid to Israel. Wright also allowed Hamas officials and Arab activists to contribute to the church's magazine. One such Hamas official accused Israel of building an "ethnic bomb." Wright is also good friends with fierce and notorious anti-Semite, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the

Nation of Islam movement. This same Farrakhan, who called Jews "bloodsuckers," was the recipient of an award from the Trinity United Church. Barrack Obama has yet to publicly condemn the granting of this award. In fact, all the evidence suggests that Obama, himself, has had a close relationship with Farrakhan. Obama even chose to march with Farrakhan in the Million Man March of 1995 despite the Anti-Defamation League pleading with African American leaders not to attend.

And it wasn't just Wright who gave anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sermons at Trinity. Father Pfleger and Reverend James Meeks, both supporters of Louis Farrakhan, have been regular guest speakers at Trinity over the years. When Jewish members of an Illinois state board, mandated with monitoring hate speech, resigned after a fellow board member, affiliated with the Nation of Islam, refused to denounce Farrakhan's anti-Semitism, Pfleger retorted with the words, "good riddance." Reverend Meeks has been known to scapegoat "Hollywood Jews" for corrupting the moral climate in America.